The Way of Active Fitness

Center True Fitness is the Fountain of Youth

People of all ages and abilities benefit from being more active. The human body is made to move. Fitness and an active lifestyle are vitally important to health and wellness. Different levels of fitness and exercise are individualized. One size does not fit all. Your definition of fitness will be influenced by your interest, physical abilities and goals. 

Fitness is the Status of your Physical Health

Fitness is far more than exercising on a consistent basis. It has a variety of components and there are many ways it can be measured. With a solid understanding, individuals can address aspects of their life that directly impact fitness. Maintaining physical fitness can protect and develop the endurance of a person’s breathing and heart function, muscular strength and flexibility.

Your goals should always be realistic and something you look forward to as part of your active lifestyle. You should have your own unique definition and create a baseline that you can build on throughout your way of life. Whether it’s running a marathon or taking a walk, always operate at a level you can manage.

What will Center True Fitness change for me?

  • Physical exercise is the key lifestyle factor to increase body oxygenation
  • Exercising regulary can improve your mood and reduce feelings of anxiety and depression
  • Daily physical activity is essential to maintaining a healthy weight
  • Functional breathing and exercise improves blood flow to the brain and helps brain health and memory

Center True Fitness – Approach Overview

To have Center True Fitness we need to have 3 components of activity: Aerobic for endurance, resistance training for strength and stretching for flexibility.

Are you exercising endlessly but not seeing results? You could be experiencing  what researchers call a non-responder. Someone who receives no clear health benefits from exercise. The key to correct this is nasal-diaphragmatic breathing.  All physical activity should only be done with nose breathing. This leads to increased use of CO2 and NO-nitric oxide for the body cells, reduced heart rate for the same intensity of exercise, better oxygen transport, increased aerobic metabolism and decreased lactic acid production.

We use 12 different breathing exercises to incorporate into your existing workouts and exercises. Using breath holds to stimulate anaerobic glycolysis, improving the aerobic threshold and with Simulation of High-Altitude training by creating a hypercapnic response. 


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Mental Fitness

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