The Way
The 4 Health Pillars of a Centered True Life
A Comprehensive Vision
The 4 health pillars of Centered True Life will be your 4 lifestyle/Way of Living factors you will use to improve your health. It’s imperative to understand the human body health structure and how the 4 Way of pillars support it.
We need to reemphasize the importance of the Way you Breathe. It’s more than the first pillar, it’s the foundation that supports the other 3 pillars. If both the pillar and foundation are compromised, it will start a vicious circle and effect your entire health structure.
We all need to disconnect from the vicious circle and reconnect to healthy habits. It takes an average of 60 days to form new habits.
Where does the power of life come from? What is the way forward that moves us to survive? Our breath – Our life force.
The 4 Pillars
Way of Breathing – The first step is to evaluate and assess the way you breathe. We use two measurements to determine Functional Breathing. Once a baseline is established, we use multiple breathing techniques and exercises to reset your respiratory center. We are not able to move on to the other 3 health pillars until you have achieved Center True Breathing.
Way of Eating – Everyone’s Diet is individualized. Although there are strong parameters what foods you should not eat. The food and drink you consume can either be medicine or poison. CTL combines a Center True Diet with breathing techniques and exercises to improve your breathing habits and reset your body’s biochemistry and metabolism.
Way of Active-Fitness – Different levels of fitness are individualized. The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are weight control, increased energy and improved mental fitness. CTL incorporates breath hold exercises in to your workouts/exercises to stimulate anaerobic glycolysis and simulation of high-altitude training to increase your fitness level..
Way of Mental-Fitness – To maintain the balance between the two branches of the Autonomic Nervous System. Mental and physical stress can activate the sympathetic which controls the body’s fight or flight response. CTL uses meditative breathing techniques and exercises to activate the parasympathetic to cultivate calm, tranquility and mindfulness.
Center True Circle of Life
It’s all about the “circle of life.” Circles have no beginning or end. If we start anywhere on a circle, and follow it around, we end up in a loop coming back to where we started. It’s time to leave our linear-based thinking behind and start thinking in circles.
Once you complete the Centered True Life program you will reach the pinnacle of true physical wellness. Your 4 Way of pillars will be become a Way of Living with Center True Health.
- Your Way of Breathing will be Center True Breathing
- Your Way of Eating will be a Center True Diet
- Your Way of Active-Fitness will be Center True Fitness
- Your Way of Mental Fitness will be Center True Mindfulness
Your Guide to a Centered True Life
Proper Breathing Instruction
Control your Breath – Control your Life!
Diet Guidelines for Your Body
Eat to Live vs. Living to Eat!
Physical Fitness Guidelines
The Human Body is Made to Move. Use it or Lose it!
Mental Fitness Guidelines
Calm-Relaxing Mind vs. Stressful-Anxious Mind!
Blueprint to Reclaiming Your Healthy Natural State
- Learn how a Centered True Life can help you sustain a life of thriving health that can improve everyday living.
- How to practice person-centered care to help you reach your optimum wellness.
- Increase your energy, strengthen your immune system and promote longevity.
- Provide participants with hands-on exercises and training sessions to help you put what you learn into action. This will be the key to your success.
Start Your Journey Today
First step is to set a time to meet. Ask any questions you may have and receive instant feedback. Review your health history. Assess your breathing and do a simple breathing test. Go through an overview of the Centered True Life program.
Make Changes
Develop specific goals and action steps, then adjust the plan as needed. How to practice person – centered care. Provide guidance and support. Correct functioning of the 4 key components. On a day-to-day basis you will find and reach a healthier, more balanced you.
Build a Routine
Optimize the 4 health pillars for a Way of Living. Center True Breathing to improve functioning of biochemistry-biomechanics. Self-Management: Taking Charge of Your Health – Changing Your Habits for Better Health. If you at least try to make a change in one area, more are sure to follow!