The “Great Secret of Life”

Demystify the Mystery of Center True Health

Welcome to Centered True Life

Our mission is to help you develop the Way to a more balanced state of health and wellness. We believe you have the power to take charge of your own health with a Total Physical Transformation.

Discover how to create an optimal health lifecycle with scientifically proven principles that will revolutionize your life. This is not a short-term goal, rather a lifestyle that you adapt for a lifetime of health and well-being


Centered True Life is Structured on 4 Health Pillars that are key requirements to achieving Center True Health. Way of Breathing, Way of Eating, Way of Active-Fitness and Way of Mental-Fitness.

Way of Breathing is the ascendancy and the foundation to the other 3 Pillars. All 4 Health Pillars are interconnected and interdependent on one another in order to maintain homeostasis in having a healthy body function effectively.

Centered True Life primary focus is Respiratory Physiology.  There is no health without Center True Breathing. As Breath is Life – Change your Breathing – Change your Life.   

The Way you breathe will be a detriment or a benefit to your health. Dysfunctional breathing can be attributed to an unhealthy diet, lack of fitness and chronic stress.  In  turn this will create a vicious cycle of poor breathing habits, weight gain, inactivity and a stressful/anxious mind.

The Circle of Life

Today’s battle is a battle for life. Every day we do one of two things:

Build optimal health with a Center True Circle of Life which has a positive effect/impact.

Or – Produce suboptimal health that creates a vicious circle which has a negative effect/impact.

If any of the health pillars are compromised you will be living in a vicious circle with a continuous negative feedback loop.

Now is the time to break the vicious circle and the passivity of accepting or allowing what happens to your health without an active response or resistance. 

Is Centered True Life for me?

Yes! Creating a balanced life is essential for everyone, all ages/demographics!

Physical Wellness requires to have the balance of functional breathing, nutrition, physical activity and mindful rest.

Are you struggling with your diet? Is your breathing affecting your performance with an active lifestyle, exercise or sports? Do you ever feel like a piece of your wellness puzzle is missing?

The missing pieces are what stands between you and your path, preventing you from having a balanced life.

Centered True Life is the answer to help you complete your Wellness puzzle.

The 4 Ways of Centered True Life

The 4 Way of health pillars are created in the Circle of Life. All 4 are interconnected, intertwined and connected at multiple points. At the same time, they are interdependent, mutually dependent; reliant on one another. Working together, they will have internal stability and balance, otherwise known as homeostasis.

To maintain homeostasis – a healthy body – we need to listen to our bodies on a preventative scale. The human body is a complicated, highly organized structure that consists of trillions of cells, 11 organ systems, and more than sixty thousand miles of blood vessels all working in unison to keep us going.

The failure or disruption of one system can lead to multiple health problems. Disease occurs when homeostasis cannot be achieved. Our personal responsibility is to ensure we allow all of the vital systems to remain healthy in themselves so they may ensure our overall health.

Have the challenges in your way become your way?

The Way of Living is centered around restoring and improving one’s health. By focusing our attention on that which inhibits your progress, we can then learn the Way Forward to Center True Health by turning to a new direction and taking a new course. This can help you feel like you are regaining control of your life.

Obstacles cannot stop us from moving forward, they just redirect the way we need to take in life. When we can determine what is getting in the way of a better life, then we can see the pathway to a New Way of Living.